Build this site
03 Jan, 2025
My initial idea was to create a portfolio to showcase my design works. Over time, I explored different tools like Framer, Notion, and Webflow, but I always had the urge to build something my own from scratch.
I had only basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, so I decided to keep the site minimal—no heavy interactions, no excessive effects. This was a complete shift from my previous portfolio, on Supersite and Framer
I stumbled upon deadsimplesites, which became a huge inspiration that set the direction for my new site. Through one of the site there (which I can’t recall now), I discoverd Astro. I started with Astro and Tailwind’s documentation. I think it’s alone enough to build the site. Later with the help from a friend who helped me to build some basic components, I learn a bit about JavaScript.
For typography, I went with Arita Buri, a font I discovered while browsing Bepyan and Be Vietnam for the writings. Other inspirations came from Sam King, Simon, Paco influencing the overall aesthetic of my site.
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This site is on: Dead Simple sites and Blogscroll
The final project is hosted on GitHub.